Get Reactive!
Explore color-changing pairings to create interesting glass reactions
Above, Vanilla Cream changes color in predictable and interesting ways when fused and also reacts with copper-bearing glases.
oceanside compatible® reactive glasses
When certain glass combinations become hot enough, they can produce an interface color, or reaction, as the ions in each adjacent glass mingle together. Two Oceanside Compatible products, Red Reactive Transparent (60-003-F), and Red Reactive Opal (60-045-F), were specifically developed to react when fused against Copper-bearing glasses, most often producing a deep reddish color where they intersect. Transparent and Opal Red Reactive formulas are also available in Frit, Noodle, Stringer, and Rod/Cane as well as Color Bar for blowing.
Glasses containing Sulfur also react when fused next to Copper-bearing glasses, producing a range of different reaction levels at the interface that is sometimes much more subtle, but still distinct and interesting.
Vanilla Cream Opal (210-73S-F) is a high Sulfur content glass that is so reactive, it even changes from within. After full fusing, the interior of the glass stays its pre-fused buttery ivory color while the exterior brightens to a beautiful vivid and slightly warm White.

Explore color reactivity
When glasses made with copper are fused next to glasses made with sulfur a subtle, but lovely, reaction occurs along the edges
Understanding how to control (or avoid) reactions is a lot of fun and we encourage you to learn more. Look for classes on the subject at your favorite supplier, or upcoming glass events with one of our fantastic art glass industry instructors.

the versatile and magical chameleon
Vanilla cream
When fully-fused, Vanilla Cream lightens on the top and bottom surfaces, while lightening substantially in its center — creating stunning effects in pieces built on-edge, or stacked. It's also highly reactive with copper-bearing glasses.

REd-REactive Products
Red Reactive Sheets, Frit, Noodle, Stringer and Cane are available in both Transparent and Opal forms.
Red-reactive products interact with copper=bearing glasses and produce interesting effects. Download the chart below to help predict results as you explore these fascinating interactions.
Print the PDFs below and keep them in your studio space for easy reference as you explore reactive glasses. (These charts were provided above as well.)